Ramadan Tips for Workers

March 29th, 2022

Ramadan Tips for Workers

Ramadan 1443 (2022)

Renew Your Intentions

As Ramadan approaches set your personal intentions, goals, and expectations for the month.

Ask yourself:

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended."

Sahih al-Bukhari 1 (Book 1, Hadith 1)

Ramadan and Fasting at Work

Communicate with your team, manager and co-workers about Ramadan and your upcoming fast. This will give those around you further insight and understanding of any changes in your work routine or productivity.

Work When Your Energy Is at its Highest!

Our energy levels fluctuate throughout the day while fasting. Your energy may be highest right before or just after eating the morning and evening meals. 

Think About What You Eat

During Ramadan we focus on fasting and not as much on what we do eat . Try to add nutritious and energy packed foods to your diet. 

Embrace Napping

The afternoon and early evening can be the toughest times for energetic work during Ramadan, so don't be afraid to take a nap to regain energy. • Quick naps will allow you to re-charge, giving you bursts of energy to complete necessary tasks with a focused mind. 

General Advice

Stay refreshed.

Stay Hydrated.

Take Breaks.

Find your Balance.

Have a Plan.