Weekly Series

It was narrated from Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ ) said: “The believer will never have enough of listening to good things (seeking knowledge) until he reaches Paradise.”

Know Your Deen: Ihsān

Sincerity & Intention

Every Friday Evening at 7 PM for 5 weeks 

Starting July 12, 2024 @ 7 PM

Weekly Class Taught by: Shaykh Adeeb Zaman

Brothers & sisters are invited to join our next class in the Know Your Deen series.  This session will delve into the area of Ihsān or purification of the soul and specifically the subject of Sincerity & Intention.  The class series will be led by Shaykh Adeeb Zaman and will be held in person at Masjid As-Siddiq, In shaa Allah.  

Why Join?: Having completed the session on the Branches of Īmān, we are now delving into the area of Ihsān.  Shaykh Adeeb will be covering the essential chapter on "Sincerity and Significance of Intentions" from Imam An-Nawawi's renowned book, "Riyad as-Salihin." 

Class Description: Over five sessions, we'll explore the crucial role of intentions in our actions, the importance of sincerity, and how to cultivate a genuine connection with Allah.

The class will be interactive with planned questions or quizzes at the end of each session along with sharing of educational material on the display screens, in shaa Allah.

Please stay updated for information on future events, in shaa Allah.